The Fight Against the Coronavirus

Sweden has introduced an upper limit of people at public gatherings and appeals to the people's joint and several responsibilities to reduce the spread of the new Coronavirus (Covid-19).

The new virus, which is classified as a pandemic, we will learn to live with for some time to come. It is extremely contagious and therefore more dangerous than regular seasonal flu. As with all flu viruses, it’s important to level and limit the spread so that everyone who needs intensive medical care can get it. The virus is spread mainly through direct contact infections and droplets in the air during sneezing and coughing (up to two meters from the infected person). Guess that nobody has missed the importance of hand hygiene! New medical findings suggest that infection can also be spread through the air of an infected person.

Every year between 200 and 1000 people in Sweden die from the recurring winter flu. A small percentage of all people who are infected are affected very hard and can even die in the suites. It is therefore primarily a matter of protecting the people who belong to the risk groups from being infected. The largest risk group is, in experience, all people older than 70 years. In addition, those who are at risk of dying usually have one or more underlying serious illnesses.

Young people are very rarely affected by the virus! But everyone must help in the fight against Corona and take full responsibility for avoiding unnecessary risk of infection. Think about loved ones in your proximity - family, relatives, friends ...

Take care of yourself and think in solidarity - regardless of age!


2020-03-01 (2020-03-29) • MF