MPM Vision & Basic Values

The music syndicate MPM MusicPowerMafia was founded by the Swedish saxophonist Wilhelm Fredlund in 2014, on his 13th birthday, to help young artists to reach out in the world with a powerful musical imprint in the name of solidarity. MPM works from basic values to provide entertainment, beneficence, equality and gender equality. For us it means that we oppose any form of racism, sexism, homophobia, bullying and other discrimination.


MPM AidGate

MPM works with aid projects and provides help organizations with contributions collected through gigs, concerts and similar events. We cooperate among others with Barncancerfonden who fight childhood cancer and ensures that affected children, youths and their families get the care and support they need. The vision is to exterminate childhood cancer.

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MPM Activity - Local & Global

Our activity has no geographical boundaries and the effects of our work are visible around the world. Thanks to many local gigs and events, MPM enriches primarily the cultural life in Uppsala and the surrounding area. We support and contribute to Uppsala being the European Capital of Culture in 2029.



MPM Academia

MPM Academia is a knowledge based music forum we are developing. Here you will find articles, interviews, dictionaries and more, about everything from music theory and terminology to laws, legislations, praxis, customs and established rules concerning the music industry.

Advanced knowledge in all music areas is made possible thanks to our hub with links. Join us if you want to know more about how the music industry works, who the players are and what they do!

The goal is to provide a flexible tool that is both instructive and user friendly. A tool that can assist you when navigating the complex music world!

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MPM Crew

All members of MPM Crew actively participate in aid projects, individually or in groups, to bring joy and support with the magic power of music to young and old who live an exposed life. In addition to these members, there are a lot of artists who cooperate on our gigs and events and represent MPM on occasion. All participating artists are contributing with valuable efforts to comply with the MPM's mission and vision.

MPM Crew members get help with marketing, among other things on MPM's site and are offered appropriate gig requests. They also get access to rehearsal studios as well as professional audio and lighting equipment in connection with concerts when representing MPM, and furthermore a professional mentorship.

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MPM Mentor

Our mentors offer skills that are invaluable to us. Their musical guidance and knowledge of artistry always improve MPM Crew. With the help from our mentors we are able to build a network of contacts throughout the world.

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MPM Sponsor

We have the best sponsors in the world - our parents, friends, wonderful audiences and some fantastic companies. Everyone can join in and help. Private persons, corporations and why not our schools. We need all the help we can get. Rehearsal facilities, PA equipment, promotion material, transport including roadies and volunteers. Please contact us if you have any ideas how you could help us to help.

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The Magic Power of Music

Music uses a language that everyone on earth can feel and understand. It builds bridges between people and often gives them feelings that are impossible to express with words. Music is like ...